Lakeridge Women’s Golf Club
Lakeridge Women’s Golf CLub was founded in 1971. The first captain was Paddy Carno Varnadore. The 2024 Captain is Jean West, she manages the elected and appointed board members. This year the LRWGC has approximately 50 memberse of all ages.
The club promotes a fun social atmoshpere, friendly competition and players of all abilities. New members are always welcome! Each week a different tournament format is designed by the tournament director, creating challenges, fun, fostering a competitive spirit. The cash payouts are given to tournament winners at the end of each month.
After the weekly tournaments, the women often go to the 19th HOLE for lunch and librations to eat tasty food, talk about their game, and enjoy friendships. A special thanks to the The 19th HOLE staff for their friendly attitude and professionalism.
The major yearly tournamaents are: The Captains Cup, The Guest Tournament, and the end of the year Club Championship. There are cash payouts and prizes given to winners of these tournaments.
The Lakeridge Women’s Club appreciates the support form the Duncan Golf Managment Team, The Director of Golf, Todd Bigley, and the friendly professional golf staff.